Masterclass « A Story of One’s Own : filmmaking as archival, creative and emancipatory work »

Les Filministes Festival, Online event, Montreal (Canada).

Afro-feminist activist, actress and director Amandine Gay will present her work and thoughts during a virtual masterclass. After her essential documentary Speak Up (2017), which explored the experience of difference as a black woman and the specific clichés associated with it, Amandine Gay continues to explore issues related to colonialism and intersectionality in A story of One’s Own (due out in 2021). In this archival documentary, built on the testimonies of adopted persons, she questions the class relations underlying the practice of international adoption. Intersectionality, adoption, Afrofeminism and cinema will be discussed in this masterclass led by CBC cultural journalist Nantali Indogo.

The discussion will be interpreted in LSQ.
